Slow Cooked Oven Baked Ribs

I have started experimenting with cooking pork ribs in recent months and have discovered what an art form it really is. From the dry rub, cooking method to the final baste one must really calculate all of the elements which contribute to that final taste on the palette. There are a vast array of recipes and cooking techniques for getting the perfect rack. I am quite satisfied with following method which is a combination of my favorites online.

Make sure to buy good ribs. I believe that baby back ribs are the finest cut. I once just bought standard adult pork ribs which were so fatty I nearly didn’t eat them plus they cost me a fortune.

A dry rub is important to season and tenderize the meat. I like to keep it fairly simple with cumin, cayenne, crushed garlic, salt and pepper. I also add a bit of sugar but on this occasion added far too much, and when combined with the honey in the wet rub, I found the end result far too sweet. So beware unless you like sweet ribs, I prefer them hot and tangy! After you massage the ribs with the dry rub, wrap them in plastic wrap and give them a few hours to get to know each other in the fridge.

I like to cook the ribs for three hours at low heat 90°C (194.0°F), so make sure you get started early or prepare to eat late. Best practice says you should line your pan with foil to avoid cleaning it all week. I cook the ribs dry for the first two hours. Here is what they look like after an hour and a half.

You can get your wet rub ready at any time. If you know of an excellent rib sauce you can use it straight out of the bottle, but I like to blend a variety of sauces and spices to get a complex flavor. I usually do not add the wet rub till the third hour.

Just before serving I usually crank up the heat on the stove just to flash glaze the ribs. If I had a gas bbq I would throw them on for a quick sear to lock in the flavor.

After 3 hours cooking slowly plate the ribs with some potato roasties and fresh veggies. Is your mouth watering?

See how the meat has receded from the bone? That is your guarantee that the ribs are going to be falling off the bone tender.

Make sure to pair the ribs with a fine wine. This South African shiraz is one of my favorite reasonably priced wine.

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4 responses

  1. I don’t eat ribs, but I love wine and Goats Do Roam is one of my staple buys from Vintages for BBQ’s. Cheers lots and hope you enjoyed.

  2. its all downhill from here on

  3. Send some over to me they look really tasty …I’m hungry. 😉

  4. Oh wow – I LOVE those ribs! Although we usualyl wait for summer and do them on the braai, I suspect I won’t be able to wait that long. And Goats do Roam is a great range – Fairview rocks.

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